Here are some wonderful Elf letter delivery ideas to help make your new Christmas Tradition fun for the whole family! Your daily dose of Christmas magic from the North Pole Elves!
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The Elves are SO excited to be writing to your children this December! The Big Questions is … will you find your magical Christmas Elf letter deliveries? They could be anywhere!
Did you know? The Elves pass all their magical letters through the Magical Enlarging Machine, so they’re big enough for us to read. They did try sending very much smaller ones to a few children once, but the children said they much preferred the bigger ones!
The Elves send their Certificates (congratulating the children on being selected to receive the letters, though no-one quite understands who gets selected and who doesn’t) and their letters in one of two ways …
Either …
Your Christmas Elf (if you have one) will very kindly deliver your letters when they return from the North Pole each night …
Your North Pole mail will be posted out through the Magical Wind Machine
… which has all sorts of cogs, wheels and pipes … billowing clouds of cinnamon and marshmallow-smelling smoke. If your letters are posted out using this method, there’s no telling where these letters will appear in your home.
Some elf letters have appeared in the most unexpected places …
Certificate & Map
The Certificate & Map are the first things to arrive, any time before the first letter is delivered! They’re often discovered scrolled up and tied with some beautifully thick Candy Cane Cord … or found flat on the door mat … or in any of these other places around the home … and more!
A Few-At-Once Elf Letter Delivery!
This really is a fantastic way to surprise the kids – when a few letters from the North Pole are found to have been delivered all in one go!
In the Advent Calendar, the letters themselves are dated, so the children can have so much fun getting them all in order, before catching up on all the North Pole news!
This delivery method is perfect for all occasions when the elves didn’t deliver their letters on the expected day!

Places where North Pole mail has been discovered …
Sometimes the letters arrive in the same place each day.
Sometimes there are several days without any letters at all.
It’s all very exciting indeed …
However the Elves decide to deliver their letters, here’s some fun inspiration to hopefully get you in the Christmassy mood!
PRO TIP: For those of us who want to go the whole hog, we write a list of all the ways we want to hide the letters and any props we may need and put it in a bag in the washing basket … no child ever looks there!
We have lots of Elves who love to hide the certificate in the box and sit it by the front door when the kids get home from school just before the start of Dec. It’s so exciting to see a box and wonder what’s in it! And to hear you’ve been chosen to receive the letters!
The toaster … sitting up proudly out of the toaster is always so fun! Kids always have a laugh that it could have gone all brown if you’d turned the toaster on!Shoes … who doesn’t love a letter hidden in their shoes or football boots … or even in the slippers in the morning!
Sometimes the letters just appear in the kids pocket of their dressing gowns! Those cheeky Elves are so cunning!
Ok, this one requires a bit of preparation. You will need shaving foam and glitter and a plastic sandwich bag. Fill the bag with the letter and seal firmly. Place in the bathroom sink, spray foam over the top and glitter! Wait for the excited squeals!
Elves love putting letters on the front of cars, especially when you’ve been to the supermarket or out for the day. We’ve seen them on the windscreens when Mum or Dad have gone to turn on the car and always find it so funny that the Elves knew we weren’t at home!
Letters really like to be hidden under dinner plates! When the kids have gone to take their plates to the sink, it’s always such excitement! How long has it been there for?
Letters also love to be taped to an outside window … somewhere the kids can see from inside, but can reach from outside. Don’t put it on the window on the 3rd floor … we don’t want to have get the ladder out!
We love a letter stick out of soil or a plant pot! Sometimes it’s even a new plant that’s been delivered to the house or a small potted Christmas tree!
But there’s nothing funnier than the kids wondering what that little brown square is sticking out of the soil ….Sometimes the Elves just throw the letters into the air when the kids aren’t looking! Always with a flash or sparkle or glitter!
The Elves are pretty quick you know!
Off for a bike ride? Check the inside of your helmet, the Elves like putting them there as it’s super warm!
Can you set the table?
A letter in the cutlery draw!
Can you grab the milk for breakfast? A letter wrapped around the milk!
Get ready for bath time please? A letter sitting on the bathmat! Or even floating in a little boat in the middle of the bath, just don’t get your letter wet!
Oh and don’t forget to check the washing line, the Elves love to hang up their letters.
Good luck with all your letter deliveries!