Where the magic comes from …
At the very centre of the North Pole – in the Mail Room at the back of the Elves’ Workshop – is an enormous and very curious looking contraption with all sorts of cogs that whirr, wheels that spin and various pipes that lead off it and vanish into the different Elf departments.
Every now and again, hand-written notes, typed letters and oddly-shaped parcels whoosh out to their intended recipients, along with a sprinkling of magic sparkles and a delicious smell of cinnamon.
This is the Magical Wind Machine.
BUT before anything can be sent OUT from the North Pole (even hand-delivered letters from Father Christmas!), it must be Elf-stamped with the official International Elf Service postage stamp from the Real North Pole Post Office.

How it came about …
An avid Christmas lover, Emily was looking for an Advent Tradition for her young family … something that was unrelated to ‘good behaviour’ or presents, more exciting than discovering a chocolate or toy each day, and which looked and felt authentically North Pole-y. But she found nothing.
And so, each day of December 2009, she wrote a little note from a cheeky but loveable Christmas Elf called ‘Elfie’ for her three children to find hidden around the house. Each one (complete with ink splodges and scribbles) described adventurous instalments from the North Pole Elves as Father Christmas got ready for the Big Delivery on Christmas Eve.
Soon, other parents asked for copies, and, by 2014, International Elf Service was born …
From Elf letters written at the North Pole to tiny messages from the Tooth Fairy, our products soon included personalised tales from the Easter Bunny and incredible and inspiring stories from the wacky characters at Roots of Fantastical Matters … all printed on high quality, eco-friendly paper with gorgeous illustrations and ink splodges to make them look truly authentic and ‘handled’. Handcrafted and personalised products that ‘do more’ and are completely unique compared to the commercialised merchandise on the market.
what makes our heart sing …
Do you remember those amazing magical feelings you had as a child? When you hung up your Christmas Stocking on Christmas Eve, heard a truly mysterious dragon story, or carefully tucked your tooth under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy, too excited to sleep?
That’s what we love so much … when children get uncontrollably excited and their faces become one big WOW!, wanting to share their new exciting discoveries with you. This is one of the reasons we created all the magical worlds of International Elf Service. It’s what we would have loved as a child.
We’re passionate about preserving this small window of make-believe time for children, as well as supporting their cross-curricular education with science-based adventures and artistic upcycling activities, and strengthening their well-being and mental health with a collection of Fairy & Tooth Fairy letters.
And the best bit of all is being able to light up a child’s happy smiling face, while (even more importantly) encouraging families to enjoy quality time together. One of the best feelings in the world.
For more stories that are close to our hearts, pop over to our Blog … we’d love to see you there.