You won’t BELIEVE how long it took me to find our beautiful paper for the North Pole Elves to write their letters on.
I was tasked by the Postmaster General in the Mail room (at the back of the Elves’ Workshop) to find something that was ‘Just Right.’
Father Christmas had given him a Very Important List of Exact Requirements (as specified on Page 2014 of his Big Book of Christmas Magic) …
It had to tick all of these … (I nearly fainted when I saw them – did anything like this even exist?)
Exceptional quality
Look and smell like the North Pole
Feels like it has come from the Elves Workshop
Nothing like a child will have ever seen before
Perfect for the Elves to paint on
Nice and thick
Looks even better if it’s been folded and unfolded a few times
Milled in the UK
MUST HAVE SMOOTH EDGES so not to block the Letter Enlarger
(Elves write their letters on teeny tiny pieces of paper, which then have to go through the enlarger to make them big enough for children to read).
I had so many samples sent to me and with each one, my heart sank lower and lower.
But then after weeks of searching …
I found The One!
O.M.G. (Oh My Gobstoppers)
I immediately sent a note, written on the paper itself (with its edges cut smooth as requested) to the Postmaster General in the North Pole …
and I waited …
The very next day …
A note whooshed out of my fireplace, smelling very slightly of cinnamon and landed next to my cup of tea!
Oooooooh I couldn’t wait to read it!
Giving it a quick dust down, I quickly opened it up and read it …
It said …
‘Father Christmas declares this to be his most favourite paper ever.’
And so now you know how the impossible becomes possible when Christmas Magic is involved …

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