A favourite Christmas Activity in this house is to make snow! It looks like snow, it’s naturally cold and it’s moldable! The best thing is, it doesn’t melt and you can keep it in an airtight container in the fridge for (I’m not quite sure how long for but) ages it seems. Perfect for playing with, elf antics or sprinkling over your Elfie’s Christmas Letters or your North Pole Christmas Letters!
All you need is:
2 Ingredients!
Baking Power
White Shaving Foam
You can buy baking soda in bulk really cheaply from eBay or Amazon. This is just a box I had in the cupboard. No doubt I bought it to make some whizzy culinary delight that I’d forgotten about as soon as the stuff entered my cupboard two years ago…
I’m not sure where you can buy very cheap shaving foam from but please do let me know if you find out.
What You Do:
- Pour the baking soda into a bowl. I’d say 500g if you want a lovely lot of it.
- Squirt in the shaving foam bit by bit while mixing it with a wooden spoon until you have a still crumbly, but mouldable mixture….

You may also like our other Christmas Activities.
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How awesome, gonna try this 🙂
Fantastic idea will have inexpensive shaving cream on my list. I’m always on the look out for activities for my two grandsons who are home educated. Think we’ll all have fun with this one.
It’s not too messy either! Thank you so much for popping by x
This is AMAZING! Not convinced that my lad wont try to eat it still but the kids in kindergarten will go mad. Thank you for helping me to bring snow to kids in Thailand and thanks for linking up to #fartglitter
Wow this is brilliant! I’m pinning this to make nearer Christmas, my girls would love it! Becky x #brillblogposts
It really is fun and we just couldn’t stop playing with it!
This is absolutely brilliant. What a genius creative idea and the perfect sensory activity for now. Thank you so, so much for linking this to #whatevertheweather. xx
It’s fabulous and you could always sprinkle some outside and put footprints in it on Christmas Eve 😉
This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing! Will definitely have a go at this, my kids LOVE messy play. 😀
Cheap shaving foam…..£ shop maybe?
This is such moreish stuff to play with! I’m now after an unperfumed shaving foam if you have any ideas??
This is a great idea! Definitely putting this in our Christmas advent calendar this year (each pocket has an activity). I love this. We tried some bought fake snow last year and it was awful, it made such a mess (think millions of tiny sticky water beads), this looks much better.
Thanks for linking up to #Whatevertheweather 🙂 x
ooh gosh, yes that sounds like a tricky clean up job!
I love this idea, will definitely be trying it when our elves come to visit in December.
Oh yes do – it would be great for elf antics!
a really great idea! How on earth did you come up with this? Mind of a genius 🙂
I wish I did have the mind of a genius! I saw it on Pinterest ages ago and luckily remembered the ingredients!
Oh my goodness I need to try this with my toddler! He would love it and I was thinking about how to get him used to the idea of snow in case we have any this winter, as he has never seen it before! #BrillBlogPost
Oh yes, you’ve just reminded me that two of our kids did NOT like snow at all when they first saw it. It took my completely by surprise!