Why is it that kids seem to lose a tooth just as you’re heading out for the evening? Which of course you then immediately forget. Just as you’ve climbed into bed with a belly full of lovely things (and wine), and your eyes are just closing, you remember – THE TOOTH. You ‘leap up’ and desperately cobble together a Tooth Fairy letter with poorly disguised writing, and wish somehow it could all be more magical …
Well, that’s my life.
Their teeth never seem to come out at 5pm on a Monday. Or even 7pm on a Tuesday. They either pop out just as I’ve described, or a child will proudly appear at 11pm with tooth in hand. Argh! I frantically struggle to find some paper they won’t recognise, a pen that works, and then try to remember which handwriting is my ‘Tooth Fairy’ writing. So stressful.
But no more! I’ve written a whole stash of Tooth Fairy letters from a gang of two girl and three boy fairies. These guys are super cool, and live in a magical world kids won’t yet be familiar with. They wear leather jackets, and have jetpacks in their boots for extra power. There are dragons (who set fire to your lunch by mistake), Mystery Gardens (with changing adventures inside), Magical Potion Fairies, an Explosives Department, moving doorways, Secret Underground Passageways, Hummingbirds (for both riding on and for delivering messages), Magical Tree Bark, Time Travel … and more. I’m going to have to write a book too – there’s so much more to say, and you can only get so much on one letter!
The different thing about these letters too is, they come with a bit of a message in them (scroll down to the bottom for a peek). It’s tough growing up, and tricky emotions are some of the hardest things to work through when you’re a child: worries, bad dreams, fairness, anger, bereavement, kindness, having to do things when it’s too hard, comparing yourself to others … Not that I’m totally on top of things as a grown up, but who is? I thought my kids might take on board what a Tooth Fairy says, more than me …
I’m also rubbish at remembering the name of the Tooth Fairy who came last time, so I’ve incorporated this as a feature: each letter is signed off by whichever International Tooth Fairy is on duty for ‘your’ street or area’. Then the fairy leaves an impossible squiggle of a signature, and stamps an image of themselves on their letter.
I’m a total stationery fiend, so I’ve gone for some gorgeous recycled paper with gold and silver gilt in. It’s so beautiful. And being a sucker for parcels, what’s more exciting than finding a Tooth Fairy letter wrapped up like a parcel with some gorgeous natural soft cotton gold twine with sparkles in? No Tooth Fairy letter is complete without a lovely dew drop magnifying lens to read it with either. Well you don’t need one really, but it does make it easier, PLUS it’s so much more fun!
Zero stress and totally magical. Just reach into your secret personalised stash, pull one out and pop it under their pillow or next to their bed. Job done!
All we need to remember to do, is to add a collection of coppers £1 coin, as that’s what the Tooth Fairies pay on our street. Apparently it’s different in different postcodes. I only learnt that fairly recently, but I think that sounds reasonable?
If you fancy having some of these personalised life savers in your house too, you can find them HERE. I hope you like them 🙂
So this is them…
The Worry Blaster
Worries can be so overwhelming, and what better way to blast them away than by using a Worry Blaster?? Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy scans your child’s tooth with their pocket scanner, and finds out it’s perfect for decorating the Worry Blaster they’re building. Worry Blasters blast worries into a trillion pieces and, by talking to someone about your worry, you can turn these pieces into a Ninja Fairy!
Bad Dream Chaser
Bad dreams are totally horrid. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy scans your child’s tooth with their pocket scanner, and finds out it’s perfect for making a Dream Chaser to chase away bad dreams. Your fairy will deliver your tooth by hand to the Dream Fairies, via a trip through the Secret Underground Passageway! Includes a very simple and effective tip to make any bad dreams that do manage to sneak past go away too!
Unkindness and Being Sorry
Sometimes we don’t realise how we affect others, or that being truly sorry is enough to make amends. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy scans your child’s tooth with their pocket scanner – it’s perfect for a reward for a Tooth Fairy, who’s trying to undo all his unkindness by using a bit of Time Travel!
Speaking Calmly When You Feel Cross
This is one of the hardest things to do when you’re feeling cross, but it really is the only way to be listened to! Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy scans your child’s tooth with their pocket scanner, and finds out it’s perfect for giving to one of the Woodsman Fairies. He’s decided to speak calmly when he’s feeling cross about something, instead of shouting and throwing horrid Magic Tree Slime at everyone, with unexpected results …!
Secrets & Trust!
This is such a tricky one to learn, and one of the most emotive subjects. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy scans your child’s tooth with their pocket scanner, and finds out it’s perfect to repair the Magic Wishing Chair! The young fairies have just passed their Secret’s & Trust exam, so they get an extra go on it as soon as it’s fixed. To pass, fairies must promise not to tell a friend’s secrets without their permission. But more importantly, they must swear to tell a Senior Fairy if anyone asks them to keep a secret about something that makes them uncomfortable or unhappy, or that they know is wrong.
Nothing riles a child more than a dose of unfairness! Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy scans your child’s tooth, finds out it’s a good luck one and races over to the Mystery Garden, hoping it will it be a fun adventure in there this time! Usually it’s the other fairies who discover the fun adventures. Things do seem unfair sometimes, but we all have a turn at being lucky …
Standing Up For Yourself
Standing up for yourself can be pretty nerve wracking. What if it makes things worse? Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy has been given a special jar to put a tooth in every time they stand up for themselves when they’re teased. With your child’s tooth, the jar is nearly full and the reward of an extra go on the Magic Wishing Chair is nearly in reach! What will they wish for? The knock on effect of course is, there’s far less teasing and life is easier …
Fairies With Different Needs Become Heroes
We all assume that people with special needs need our help. Often they surprise us. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner says your child’s tooth is perfect for decorating one of three medals they’re making. Three fairies with different needs, (one fairy can’t walk easily, one can’t talk, and one finds it difficult to learn anything new), become total heroes when they save a Woodsman Fairy from being dissolved by Tree Slime! There’s also a surprise party planned …
A little bit of kindness goes a long long way. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy nearly didn’t make it out of the Mystery Garden in time to collect your child’s tooth! There was an extremely fun (but cold) adventure in there this time. A Magical Potion Fairy comes to the rescue, with a very thoughtful and kind something extra …
Trying New Things
What if we push through the fear, try something new and discover we love it? Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner reveals your child’s tooth is perfect for the rather unusual piano they’re making. Whoever listens to it, dances like a professional! The fairies have planned a gigantic dance performance down by the Magical Potions Laboratory when it’s finished, but some fairies are nervous about performing in front of the others. The Senior Fairies have some words of wisdom…
Helping Others
Being helpful can seem boring, but then again on the other hand…! Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner reveals your child’s tooth is perfect for the home they’re building for the new fairy who’s moving in. The Explosives Department insist it has an extremely tall chimney because she’s bringing her dragon, which as I’m sure you can imagine is rather a fire hazard. Very boringly, she’s going to need help bringing over rather a lot of luggage …
Feeling Shy
Feeling shy is one of the most excruciating feelings on the planet. But there is something you can do … Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner reveals your child’s tooth is perfect as a pocket reminder for what to do when you’re feeling shy or awkward, or have nothing interesting to say! If only the dragons could do the same when they feel shy, instead of setting everything on fire …
Comparing Yourself To Others
Crikey, we’ve all done this, and it’s so hard to believe you’re perfect just as you are. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner reveals that your child’s tooth is the ideal gift for one of the Dragon Keepers. He’s feeling upset as he doesn’t think he’s as good as the other Keepers! The fairies all make him something to tuck safely into his fireproof jacket, to help him feel better about himself …
When You’re Feeling Cross
You know when you’re absolutely steaming about something? Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner reveals your child’s tooth makes a perfect saddle for one of the Hummingbirds. Hang on tight though, or you’ll fall off! This Tooth Fairy is on his way to apologise to one of the Dragon-Keepers for shouting at him. He often feels cross but is getting better at making it go away lately. He tells us what helps him…
Honesty & Owning Up
The fear of owning up to something you’ve done, doesn’t always turn out as you think it might. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy lost something magical, and very important. After many sleepless nights, they finally decide to be honest and own up. Amazingly no-one was cross and as it turns out, it isn’t actually a problem at all – thanks to your child’s tooth!
Be Yourself!
We all have totally cool things about us, even if we think we’re the worst in the world! Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy tells us about one of the Dragon Keepers who says he wants to be like all the others, but they all want to be like him! This Dragon Keeper has a very special skill, which he thinks is totally ordinary and not in the least bit interesting. His friends have a very different view however. You really are better as yourself than trying to be someone else!
Trying Your Best!
It actually isn’t all about succeeding. It’s about trying your best. Some things just aren’t meant to be, but giving it your all is something to be admired. A lot. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner says your child’s tooth is a wonderful reward for one of the Woodsman Fairies. He’s tried really hard to learn how to collect Magic Tree Bark without letting any horrid Tree Slime escape! Only very few manage it, and it’s not about succeeding, it’s all about trying your best!
Giving Up!
Oh my, it’s so easy to give up when something’s ‘too hard’. Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket tooth scanner comes up with a Red Alert! A hummingbird arrives with a note saying that the tooth is actually a reward for your Tooth Fairy! This Tooth Fairy worked really hard to learn how to make a Magical Potion, not giving up, even when it was proving to be very difficult indeed …
Fear Of Failure
We’ve all been there. What if I can’t do it? What if it doesn’t work out? Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy’s pocket scanner says your child’s tooth is a wonderful reward for your Tooth Fairy. They gave something a go, despite being terrified they couldn’t do it. They rode a dragon and didn’t even fall off, or catch fire!
Mistakes Can Be A Good Thing!
*This letter also works really well for children who don’t have their tooth to leave out for the Tooth Fairy! Panic not, teeth seem to register on the Computer system anyway. It doesn’t matter if your child has a tooth to leave out or not for this letter.*
So many people give up if they make a mistake. Just spend some time thinking, and you can alway fix it. Often for something much much better! Your On-Duty Tooth Fairy makes a mistake when they redesign their Tree House, and tell your child how they’re planning to fix it. Even the Magical Potion Fairies are excited about it! Making mistakes really can be a good thing …
Pre-order discount code for all Christmas Letters for 2017 – gingerbread2017
If your child believes in Father Christmas and you want to keep the magic for as long as possible, There will be DIFFERENT and new Elfie’s Christmas Letters (advent letters), North Pole Christmas Letters and Candy Cane Christmas Letters each year and are absolutely perfect! You can preorder these for Christmas 2017 now, so please pop into the shop or join the mailing list. Elfie’s Birthday Letters & Elfie’s Tooth Fairy Letter are available in the Shop too!
Come and join us on Facebook for non Christmassy posts until much later in the year, or find us over on Christmas Traditions & Magic For Children for all year round festive chat.
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Emily x
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