As well as our personalised Birthday Letters from the North Pole & Fairyland, this interview idea is such a fun children’s birthday tradition, and a great way to keep a record of your little ones growing into big ones. You can enjoy hearing how their funny young minds work, and seeing how they change as they grow older. The kids also love to go back and see what they said in previous years!
I spied this great tradition on Uju’s blog, Babes About Town, where she asks her kids the same set of questions on their birthdays each year and I decided it would be a perfect thing to do on a rainy day too. So, I rustled up a set of questions and informed the kids they were going to be interviewed.
And this is how the interview with the kids went…
‘What really Mum? A PROPER interview? What IS an interview? Can I go first?
Luckily only one of them wanted to go first, our daughter who was 8 at the time decided we should go upstairs to avoid any answer copying. And half way up…I fell over…
‘Ooh Mum are you ok?’ she giggles, ‘I promise I won’t tell anyone. This isn’t starting out very well is it? Or is this what always happens at interviews? Did you do it on purpose? Can you get up? Do you need me to help you? Shall I call Dad?’
Finally we’re ‘in position’. She answers most of her questions lying on her back on the floor with her legs straight up in the air and giggles before and after each of her answers. Then it’s our 6 year old son’s turn. He looks rather grown up, answers much more quickly and has a slightly withering look on his face.
These were my questions, but you could always ask them more conventional questions, like ‘What is your favourite snack? or What is your favourite film …’
- How old are you in days?
Girl (8) – 69 (Is that right mum?)
Boy (6) – 150 - How long is our car?
(G) – 2 metres
(B) – I think 10 feet - How would you get to the moon if you didn’t have a rocket?
(G) – I’d make some shoes with fire at the bottom that would blast me into space OR I would jump on to the tallest house and then jump up and my shoes would take me all the way up (giggles).
(B) – Aeroplane – it would only take about 50 hours to get there you know. - How do you make bread? (we don’t make it at home as one of us is gluten free)
(G) – You get butter, flour and milk and mix it altogether and put it in the oven and VOILA! (she says with a flourish).
(B) – Not nuts, seeds, flour, and eggs and mix it and that’s it, finished. - How long does it take to learn to ride a bike?
(G) – About 5 years.
(B) – 4 years, erm…yes 4 years. - What do grownups like to drink most of all?
(G) – Alcohol
(B) – Wine
Ooops! - What size are my shoes?
(G) – 7
(B) – 7
Both correct! They used to be size 6 pre babies – anyone else find their feet ‘grew’ too?? - What would you do if you saw a donkey walking up the road?
(G) – Jump on its back and ride it – I mean I’d get on its back as jumping would be too harsh for it. I’d also make it a stable or a home in our garden and look after it forever.
(B) – Ride it and take it home. - How does a toilet work?
(G) – the flush sends the wee or poo down a long tube to the ocean.
(B) – you flush it and if you need another wee you have to wait until it’s already filled. The flush pushes your wee or poo away. - How do you make the colour silver?
(G) – You get some grey and some sparkle yeah and oh one minute, you put some shine into it too and mix it up.
(B) – White and grey and just mix it up. - How do you catch a chicken?
(G) – You run at it with a net, put it on the chicken, take it to a place it can’t get out and then you can pick it up.
(B) – You make it run into a cage. - How would you help someone stuck up a tree?
(G) – Get a ladder, climb up and say to the person ‘I have a ladder’ and help them to climb down. If I didn’t have a ladder I’d ask someone to throw me up into the tree so i could help them climb down. (I love this last bit. So practical).
(B) – Get a ladder to help them down of course. - What do people in Iceland eat?
(G) – Fish and cold things.
(B) – The animals there. - How do magic carpets fly?
(G) – You put some magic dust on to a carpet and tell it where to fly. You can use any carpet but it has to be small enough to go out of the window.
(B) – You put magic dust on any carpet you like but they can’t be big because you might run out of magic dust because you need to put it on all of it. - Why are bananas curved?
(G) – Maybe something was stuck on the banana or it hooked on something while it was growing?
(B) – They grow on the tree and then they have to come back around so they can attach. - What’s inside the cushions of our sofa?
(G) – Beanbags
(B) – Feathers.
- How old are you in days?
There were big hoots of laughter when we all sat together and read out what they’d both said and they’ve asked if we can play ‘Interviews’ again. So, I do totally recommend you have a Children’s Birthday Tradition Interview with the kids, and have fun with the questions!
Measure your children each year on their birthday too!
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A personalised Birthday Letter from the North Pole or Fairyland
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Hahaha these are brilliant, love the questions, and I just love how kids’ minds work. Mini magic 😉 Thanks for sharing x
Thank you for the idea!!!! Out of the mouths of babes! <3
What a great idea for a post. It reminded me of an old tv program called ‘kids say the funniest things!’ Thanks for linking up!
Oh yes I remember that. It was utterly brilliant! I wish they’d bring it back / do another one.
Great interviews! I might do this with O starting on his 4th birthday this year, see what answers we get! 🙂 x
Oh yes do! I think the younger they are the more random and funny their answers are 🙂
Too cute! Need to remember to do this with my tot when he’s old enough.
It is very funny! Not sure how old your small is but you might be surprised at how much they can tell you / give choices.
Absolutely brilliant -I love these answers! Children’s brains are just wonderful 🙂 #bigfatlinky
Aren’t they?? I just love the randomness of them. Then we all grow up and become more ordinary 🙁
Another great post. And like the others I now have to try it with mine!!
I’m going to do it quite regularly I think. I’ve kept a print out of the last lot – we’ll laugh over the answers in years to come!
Brilliant! I can’t wait to hear Ted’s answers to things. Thanks for sharing this and for linking up #bigfatlinky
Rofl – Absolutely brilliant ! This is the kind of stuff I loved and cherished (inventing) as a kid and still do! This is so important for real life skills! More please ! 🙂 xo
Oooh what sort of things did you do?? I love hearing what activities other people did 🙂