Simple things such as this wonderfully enchanting little bottle of Fairy or Christmas wishes, are often the most magical for children. And thankfully, making these Magical Fairy & Christmas wishes couldn’t be easier!
You can enjoy doing this as a lovely activity together with your children, OR these little bottles of magical wonder make amazing gifts from your child’s Tooth Fairy! They may also appear by your fairy door or in a Christmas Stocking! How exciting to discover a bottle of Christmas Wishes from the North Pole! Whichever way you decide the go, this little bottle full of happiness and magic wishes, makes a beautiful keepsake.
These cute little cork-stoppered glass bottles are very easy to find on eBay, and dandelion clocks are all over the place at the moment! If you think you might like to do this, grab a dandelion clock now, and pop it in a small plastic bag to stop the seeds from flying off everywhere, until you’ve managed to find a little bottle!

How to:
To recreate this, all you do is very gently hold one of the dandlion clock ‘stems’ (or filamentous achenes) if you want to be official and totally unmagical) with a pair of tweezers, and snip the seed off with a pair of scissors. You can of course leave the seed attached, but what you’ll have at the end is … erm – rather than a bottle of magical Tooth Fairy or Christmas wishes, you’ll have what will look like a bottle of rat droppings with surrounded by fluffy bits. Not a good look!
Perhaps Father Christmas will pop one into a Christmas Stocking, or a Tooth Fairy or Fairy will deliver one with one of their very special Fairy Letters or Tooth Fairy Letters … or a North Pole Elf will leave a bottle of them with one of their Christmas Elf Advent Calendar Letters!

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Do PIN for later …
What a fabulous idea! This is perfect for an extra birthday gift for my daughter who is 5 at the end of the month. Only have small jars and it’ll need a few dandelions to fill it but I’m half way there with 3 seed heads! Would like to find a way of separating the dandelion clocks a bit as they’re currently tightly gripped together…..might have to get the tweezers out.
Hi Sarah – oh fab and yes, tweezers are the way to go! I’d love to hear what she thinks of her magical bottle :). P.S. do you need one of Elfie’s Birthday Letters? x