As a child I’d often be found knee deep in a stream, or building a den up in a tree somewhere … and I was always covered in grass stains, stinging nettle rashes and mud. One thing I did notice back in the dinosaur era of my childhood is, things in the shops tended to be separated into ‘for girls’ and ‘for boys’. Which I found odd, and a bit limiting! So, this is partly why all my Christmas Elf and Fairy Letters have been written for girls AND boys.
… which is why my Fairies are as I’d have liked them to be when I was a child … to have jetpacks, pet dragons, ride on hummingbirds and wear leather jackets!
When I first decided to add Fairy & Tooth Fairy letters to the Collection, I wanted them to have a ‘twist’ and a different angle to them. So, I went round the corner to my favourite cafe to have a think about how could I make my Fairy & Tooth Fairy letters different. Other than being totally magical and a wonderful keepsake, what else could my Fairy & Tooth Fairy letters do?
Then it hit me – my entire brand is built around encouraging children to read, enjoying precious family time together and preserving childhood magic, so wouldn’t it actually be helpful if I designed a range of …
Fairy letters & Tooth Fairy Letters that make brilliant conversation starters for important topics!
Talking with, and listening to our children does all sorts of wonderful things. It improves our bond with them, which ultimately helps them to form relationships and to build self-esteem. As other wise people have said many times to me, ‘if they can talk to you about the small stuff, the bigger stuff will follow when they’re older’.
Taking care of our children’s mental health and emotional health and development, is just as important as taking care of their physical health (and their magical health too obviously).
As parents, we have a hugely important role in helping our children to develop the skills and resilience to cope with life’s challenges as they grow.
So, first I crafted each Tooth Fairy letter to be based around some of the more common topics we all find ourselves guiding our children through at some time or other. And how reassuring for children to realise that Fairies too think about these things?
Whether or not children find any of these topics a sticking point for them, they’re still topics we all need to think about and work through as we grow … trying our best, being kind to others makes them feel happy, anxiety, feeling that others are better than us, tips on what we can do if we’re feeling shy, nightmares or feeling worried about making mistakes … as well as containing plenty of fun and motivating magical things:
Dragon riding lessons, Time Travel, Mystery Gardens and Secret Underground Tunnels … very dangerous Magic Tree Slime, which only the most skilled Woodsman Fairies can collect without it dissolving them …
Then I converted each of the Tooth Fairy letters into the ‘non-tooth’ Fairy Letter version, so children who hadn’t lost any teeth could still enjoy them. Not all children have a Fairy Door, so I wanted to design a group of ‘On-Duty’ Fairies to make them feel more spontaneous and inclusive.
No Fairy Door Needed!
Finally, I added some 100% recycled paper with beautiful gold and silver leaf in, some golden sparkle twine, and a Dewdrop Magnifying Lens.
I hope you like them!
“My son was utterly enthralled with the image of exploding worries and entranced by the thought that he was creating ninja fairies! Just magic. My husband is very sceptical and even he thought it was awesome.”
Fairy & Tooth Fairy Collection.
All the Fairy & Tooth Fairy Letters are available in pre-set bundles of five, or singly.
Quick Peek …
No. 01 – Worry Blaster
Discover how these Fairies get rid of their worries, and convert them into a Ninja Fairy!
No. 02 – Bad Dream Chaser
These Fairies have a brilliant way to get rid of bad dreams … if any manage to escape the Dream Chaser that is!
No. 03 – Unkindness & Being Sorry
A rather grumpy Tooth Fairy who’s been rather unkind, tries to undo some of his unkindness by using a bit of Time Travel!
No. 04 – Speaking Calmly When Cross
A Woodsman Fairy decides to stop shouting and throwing horrid Magic Tree Slime at everyone when he’s cross. With a great result!
No. 05 – Secrets & Trust
Let the Fairies tell your child about the ‘Secrets & Trust’ exam all young Fairies need to take. When it’s ok to keep a secret, and when it’s important to tell a grown-up.
No. 06 – Fairness
With a visit to the Mystery Garden, this Fairy realises that although things do seem unfair sometimes, we all have a turn at being lucky!
No. 07 – Standing Up For Yourself
One Fairy, by learning to stand up for herself more, means she’s well on her way to earning an extra go on the Wishing Chair!
No. 08 – Special Needs Become Heroes
Three Fairies with special needs become heroes when they save a Woodsman Fairy from being dissolved by Tree Slime!
No. 09 – Kindness
A Magical Potion Fairy comes to the rescue when these Fairies get very cold in the Mystery Garden!
No. 10 – Trying New Things
Let the Fairies tell your child why it’s always good to try something new in this magical personalised Tooth Fairy letter.
No. 11 – Helping Others
Full of news about having to help the new Fairy who’s moving in with her luggage … and she has a Dragon![/one_half][one_half]
No. 12 – Feeling Shy
These Fairies give your child a brilliant fail-safe tip on what to do if ever they’re feeling shy or awkward.
No. 13 – Comparing Yourself To Others
A special tooth is needed for an upset Dragon Keeper, who thinks everyone else is better than him.
No. 14 – When You’re Feeling Cross
A tip on how to help any crossness go away, and a Fairy on a hummingbird apologises to a Dragon Keeper!
No. 15 – Honesty & Owning Up
This Fairy loses something magical, and very important. After many sleepless nights, she finally decided to be honest and own up – and no-one is cross!
No. 16 – Be Yourself
This Fairy tells your child about a Dragon Keeper who feels a bit worthless. Unsurprisingly, his friends have a very different view of him!
No. 17 – Fear of Failure
This Fairy tells us how she fought through her fear of riding a dragon, and found she loved it! She didn’t fall off … or even catch fire.
No. 18 – Don’t Give Up
This Fairy worked really hard to make a Magical Potion, without giving up and when it was proving to be very difficult indeed … it’s all about the effort!
No. 19 – Trying Your Best
Only very few Fairies manage to collect Magical Tree Slime safely. It’s not about succeeding, it’s all about trying your best!
No. 20 – Mistakes Can Be A Good Thing
This Fairy makes a mistake when they redesign their Tree House, but mistakes really can be a good thing … it ends up even better!
No. 21 – Missing A Loved One
This Fairy tells your child what they do to feel better when they’re feel really sad about a Fairy that’s no longer with them. A magical bereavement letter.
Our Fairy Letters:
- Fairy Letter Bundle One
- Fairy Letter No. 1. The Worry Blaster
- Fairy Letter No. 2. Bad Dream Chaser
- Fairy Letter No. 3. Unkindness & Being Sorry
- Fairy Letter No. 4. Speaking Calmly When Cross
- Fairy Letter No. 5. Secrets & Trust
- Fairy Letter Bundle Two
- Fairy Letter No. 6. Fairness
- Fairy Letter No. 7. Standing Up For Yourself
- Fairy Letter No. 8. Special Needs
- Fairy Letter No. 9. Kindness
- Fairy Letter No. 10. Trying New Things
- Fairy Letter Bundle Three
- Fairy Letter No. 11. Helping Others
- Fairy Letter No. 12. Feeling Shy
- Fairy Letter No. 13. Comparing Yourself To others
- Fairy Letter No. 14. When You're Feeling Cross
- Fairy Letter No. 15. Honesty & Owning Up
- Fairy Letter Bundle Four
- Fairy Letter No. 16. Be Yourself
- Fairy Letter No. 17. Fear of Failure
- Fairy Letter No. 18. Don't Give Up
- Fairy Letter No. 19. Trying Your Best
- Fairy Letter No. 20. Mistakes Can Be A Good Thing
Available in singles only ...
- Fairy Letter No. 21. Missing A Loved One
- Fairy Letter No. 22. Starting School
- Fairy Letter No. 23 Happy Birthday - Golden Sparkle Cakes & The Wishing Chair!
- Fairy Letter No. 24. Happy Birthday - Bubblegum Cake & The Wishing Chair!
Our Tooth Fairy Letters:
- Tooth Fairy Letter Bundle One
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 1. The Worry Blaster
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 2. Bad Dream Chaser
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 3. Unkindness & Being Sorry
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 4. Speaking Calmly When Cross
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 5. Secrets & Trust
- Tooth Fairy Letter Bundle Two
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 6. Fairness
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 7. Standing Up For Yourself
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 8. Special Needs
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 9. Kindness
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 10. Trying New Things
- Tooth Fairy Letter Bundle Three
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 11. Helping Others
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 12. Feeling Shy
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 13. Comparing Yourself To others
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 14. When You're Feeling Cross
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 15. Honesty & Owning Up
- Tooth Fairy Letter Bundle Four
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 16. Be Yourself
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 17. Fear of Failure
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 18. Don't Give Up
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 19. Trying Your Best
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 20. Mistakes Can Be A Good Thing
Available in singles only ...
- Tooth Fairy Letter No. 21. Missing A Loved One
- Tooth Fairy Letter From The North Pole
I’ve also discovered a rather lovely journal for children, which you might also be interested in. It’s designed to “promote happiness, develop positive habits and nurture enquiring minds” … do pop over and have a look at the HappySelf Journal.
⭐️Beautiful Letters From Magical Places⭐️
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Two FREE Guides in the newsletter:
Family Advent Activities & Ways to Make Christmas Eve More Magical!
The International Elf Service specialises in beautiful handcrafted, personalised letters from magical places … the North Pole and Fairyland. Designed to encourage children to read, while developing and preserving their love of all things magical.
‘Very Helpful’ Fairy & Tooth Fairy Letters
Try our amazingly unique and magical Family Christmas Tradition of Christmas Letter Bundles from the North Pole. Elf letters filled with secrets and snippets from the North Pole, for you to deliver very mysteriously on the Elves behalf … for your children to find.
Elfie’s Christmas Letters – Video is the Christmas 2019 Edition
*You don’t need an Elf or a Fairy Door to enjoy these letters. Pop magical letter by their toothbrush, in their shoes, stashed away with the rest of the mail – have fun!
Not sure? You can try these one-off letters that can be delivered any time of the year. Here and here!
A sneaky listen to our Advent Calendar Christmas letter bundle from Christmas 2018 … *The Christmas Letter Bundles Are Brand New Each Year!
Hide them among the bills and junk mail, lay them on the table first thing in the morning, stashed among the toys, or snuggled up in their bed. You choose where your children find the letters, to create a magical family tradition the kids will love!
“The best Christmas idea ever.” – Charlie Condou (Actor)
“These were the best things I have ever (and I mean ever) ordered!!
I’ve never seen the magic or happiness last so long x”
– Jolene (August 2017)
Come and join us on Facebook, or find us over on Christmas Traditions & Magic For Children for all year round festive chat.
Emily x
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